Thursday, October 14, 2004

A typical national citizen...

Yesterday I was chatting online with my cousin from Malaysia.

Halfway through the conversation, my cousin was typing in malay. Thinking that I live in Singapore, I susppose to understand malay as malay is my country national language.

Well... You can imagine, how national I am as a typical national citizen of singapore.

National? what is the national of Singapore?

According to Singapore history, the first one who step on the land of Singapore was a prince of Sumatra. Many years later, Raffles step in. Then more years later again we was once part of Malaysia.

All this question the fact about what really our national is...

English? Malay?

Our goverment focus so much of english now. Well... english our national language? May be, since we were founded by them. Well... how about malay? Since it was a prince from Sumatra who landed here and we were part of Malaysia before, malay should be our national language. And now our goverment is pushing chinese language since they said we are chinese.

SO... what is our national?
we seems to have a identity crisis here...

Well... in the end it's up to you to decide.
This is the way of Singapore.

Singapore! Three Cheers!


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