Do you practice what you preach ?
"And you should follow my example, just as I follow Christ's"
Taken from the BIBLE, 1 Corinthians 11:1
I have been always wondering, why are some of my friends around me are falling from Christ, fallen from Grace. Our God is a true and living God, and they know that and why they still want to deny the fact. Sometimes, some people just don't like the way christian behaves.
I realise, action do speak louder than words.
We, christian preach alot about following Christ examples, be Christ-like. But yet our action tell the other things.There is this song that goes like this...
"Do you practice what you preach ?"
"Do you turn the other cheeks?"
Yes! Do we really put in practice what we are preaching?
" Oh, it's ok! God will forgive us, after all, we are all not PERFECT! "
I hear christian saying this all time. I believe that is not the right way. It's just excuses!
Yes, God will forgive us, but what's the point of asking for forgiveness when you don't intend to change at all. Being imperfect is not something you use to cover up. I believe we christian should not talk about how imperfect we are but we should talk about how perfect we are going to be. Perfect in this case, Christ-like, putting what we preach in practice.
I believe most people turn away from Christ, especially those who were once christian is because of our actions. They can't see the act in us, they can't see the life in us, they simply just can't sense Christ in us.
The best way to share BIBLE, God's Word is not asking that person to sit down with you and read the verses. It is through your lives, every individual action, speech that show people how true and living our God is. Our lives should reflect the image of Christ not the image of our imperfection.