Things that queer
The Progressive, Liberal, jesus...
May be it's time to reflect upon this issue seriously
"But there were also false prophets in Israel, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will cleverly teach their destructive heresies about God and even turn against their Master who bought them. Theirs will be a swift and terrible end."
Taken from the Bible 2Peter 2:1
(T. Faulkner - 2/2002)
The Jesus that has now been accepted within the mainstream churches is a progressive Jesus. One who changes, and is guided by the beliefs of the liberal churches. A Jesus who is not only guided by these but moves with the thoughts and beliefs of the congregation. A Jesus who changes and receives the lifestyles of the congregation without question, or conviction so as not to offend the congregation within these churches.
Where the minister is careful in their preaching so as not to offend their congregation, and preach a liberal sermon. Only to say that no matter who you are and no matter what your lifestyle is, receive Jesus as saviour, and by this you are saved and will be in his kingdom. Not having to change how you live, for this Jesus loves you and has progressed with you in your way of life, no matter where you stand.
The problem that arises from this is - this Jesus does not exist, and receiving this Jesus will not save you from your sins, and you will not be accepted within his kingdom. Because this Jesus does not have a kingdom to go to, for he is not the Jesus of the Bible. He is a false Christ, and is more in line of the anti-Christ. A Christ who does not convict you of your sins and ignores the Word of God, for pleasure sake.
The Jesus of the Bible does not change, for He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
“Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and for ever.” (Hebrews 13:8 )
You see, the Jesus of the Bible is not progressive and does not change. He is the only thing in this world and in His kingdom, that is consistent. He is the Word of God (John 1:1) in the flesh (John 1:14), and He must follow the Word of God and cannot go against it. He also tells us to follow His commandments, and to live as He would want us to live.
He came to fulfill the Word of God (Mark 14:49; Luke 4:21), having also to fulfill all righteousness (Matthew 3:15). Not to compromise God’s Word for the sake of one’s pleasure, or sins.
Jesus does love the sinner, but hates sin, and when one truly receives Jesus as their Saviour, they are to repent of their sins and turn away from them. Not to continue in sin, as He Himself told the adulteress to sin no more.
For the Word of God is very specific to the sins in man’s life and that we are to repent from them.
If a minister, pastor, priest, elder, or reverend tells you to receive Jesus, but does not convict you of your sins (1 Corinthians 6:9 - 10), they are lying to you (Proverbs 10:2, Jeremiah 7:8) and have deceived (Colossians 2:4,8) you into believing in a false Jesus who has no power to save you from damnation.
These are the same religious people that Jesus had the most trouble with, during His walk here on earth. Those who would compromise on God’s Word for their own gain (Jude 4). Hypocrites who preach one way, but live differently without reservation of the results of their actions - condemning those who believe in their words, and not God’s Word, to eternal damnation.
These pastors, ministers, etc., who preach a liberal loving gospel obviously don’t believe in the Bible that they use, and they definitely don’t belong behind the pulpits. They’re nothing more than wolves in sheep clothing, devouring anyone who will hear them (Matthew 7:15), for justifying their sins and yours.
Chances are that these so-called pastors, in their so-called churches, use a paraphrased, water downed, so-called bible. One could say that these are the ones that contain God’s Word but do not even come close to being the literal Word of God. It’s this type of so-called bibles that water down the conviction of man’s sins. Where a sinner could read it and not be convicted of their sins. Besides the fact that these so-called pastors, etc., do not believe in the so-called bibles that they use - for these will tell you of man’s sins and the need to avoid them for their own sakes...
Adapted from