Short story of alonely guy part 2...
This is a short story of alonely guy part 2...
"I got her reply, she read it! She read how I feel!
not a good new, hope is dim, don't know what's ahead of me and her. Her reply seems like she does not suit me. Somebody else is better than her, why must be her that I like.
Well, something are unchangeable, it's just like if a child like to play lego no matter how people use other toys to attract him, in the end he will still go back to his favorite. Feelings just develops over time, you can't really control how much you want to feel because men are made to have emotions.
And now my feelings are towards her, I can't change that unless I'm not gona see her for the next 5 years!
Well, from what I understand, there is never such things about who is best for who. God don't intend that to happened. God surely know who He match me with, but it's never the best for if it's the best, than to God best must be perfect. I believe, God put two person together so they can learn from one another for His word saids as iron sharpen iron, men sharpen men. Two person being together is a process to learn to be like Him, learn for one another.
If God intend who is best for who, than, if someone get married and the wife or husband pass away first. And the person remarried, that means that the person is taking away the best of another person from him or her, and then it will go on and on, in the end it will contradict to what God had intend about who is best for who.
I believe God works this way, honor Him first before your relationship between you and a gal or a guy, God will bless that relationship.
Well, talk about my situation now, the best thing to do is still...
And again, this is just a short story...
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