Sunday, August 15, 2004

It is more important to obey your parents...

"Children, obey your parents because you belong to the Lord, for this is the right thing to do"
Taken from the BIBLE, Ephesians 6:1

Sometime I'm really worry for those first generation Christians in my church. First generation mean they are the only Christian in the family, their parent are not.

Some of their parents are open-minded to the gospel, which is good. But some of their parents are hard-core believers of their religious and some just simply reject the gospel because they don't understand and don't want to understand.

Some hard-core religious parents have this mind-set that, if their children become Christian, they will some how lost away their children. They will think that when they die their children will not be there for them, in some way it's a disrespect to them. So, by preventing this to happen, they stop their children from going to church.

Stopping their children from going to church, is a kind of struggle to this first generation Christians. So, sometime, thinking that their parents are very unreasonable. They decide to rebel against them, coming to church by lying to their parents. Then, when their parents found out, they parents will scold them and they will some how speak against their parents and it goes on and on. Finally out come will be, their parents having a misunderstanding of what church is, thinking that its a kind of cult, making their children so obsess with it.

For this is what the BIBLE said...
"You children must always obey your parents, for this is what pleases the Lord..."
Colossians 3:20

and somebody ask something like this...

"Explain why children should submit to their parents' decisions even when those decisions are clearly evil." Taken from

This person asking this question must be a orphan, I guess. How many parents on this earth will force their children to evil decisions. I believe all parents love their children. Unless, the children are not really their children, it may be a different story. Or maybe their children are really that stubborn and rebellious out of their control then they have no other chose but to disipline them. In the end, its still out of love.

"Suppose a man has a stubborn, rebellious son who will not obey his father or mother, even though they discipline him. In such cases, the father and mother must take the son before the leaders of the town. They must declare: `This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious and refuses to obey. He is a worthless drunkard.' Then all the men of the town must stone him to death." Deuteronomy 21:18-20

I hope, those first generation Christian will somehow realize that, its important to come to church but it is more important to obey their parents...


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